Peter's new 115g sump!

[Thanks Marc for finishing it so quickly. The sump looks real good and I really appreciate your enthusiasm in making it. This project will keep me busy this weekend! I'll post pictures in a couple week when all are in place.]
[Looks great as always!
If I EVER get the enthusisam to tear my 135 down and swap out the stands, I am definately going to have to talk to you about a sump for that puppy.]
[must have that sump...must have sump...must have sump...Marc, e-mail me on a price for something like that. John M.]
@John M. wrote:
[p.s. Marc said:
[You've got a PM.

Peter , I'd like to come by when you are ready, and snap a few more pictures of your tank for the guys on RC, as well as pictures with the sump in place.

I could drill those holes in the black acrylic as well, while I'm there.]
[Marc, thats an Awesome Job on that sump...... Kinda curious now what you would charge to make a growout tank.........]
[Side view of skimmer and refugium

[The other side where you can see the return pump + coral propagation area. I just installed 175 watt metal halid today
@NewMariner wrote:
[Marc said:
[Just give me the dimensions. Typically this stuff runs about $200, but until I know for sure, I can't be quoted obviously.

PETER!!! It looks fantastic. I'm doing the happy dance over here. :D :taz: :wwww:]
@peterlin wrote:
[Side view of skimmer and refugium [img][/img] alt="">] said:
[Peter, go ahead and remove the foam pad from your skimmer and you'll get a much more silent operation from it. You don't need it, and it is a nitrate maker.

Then again, I know your clams need some nitrates, but I can see the water pouring off and I know that can't be silent. You might try washing it out thoroughly.

I linked your pictures to the matching thread on RC, so others could see it in action.]
[I keep foam pad on skimmer - otherwise the water splash make too much noise. I do keep the pad clean though. It may look not so clean because I added sand without rinsing on Sunday. :laugh:]

I used this modification on my Euro-Reef CS6-1. It's simply a PVC "T", schedule 90 elbow, and another pvc pipe returning back into the water. It cuts out all the noise, even the stuff from the sponge plus no addition nitrate house.


Let me know if you have any questions.

[Thanks Anthony, that is an excellent idea. I'm going to Home Depot soon to buy the PVC T and elbow..and some pipe so that it is submerge in water and cut out all the noise. Great thinking!]

No problem! Since my 75g tank is in the living room I've had to do all I can to quiet down the tank. It's not fun trying to watch tv over a gargling, babbling tank!

[Here is a shot of the refugium, housing two seahorse, two fungia, one open red brain, one green open brain, one tongue coral (got this from David), and Deep Sea Yellow
Diodogorgia sp. (they came with yellow seahorses), oh and meat coral?

I don't have much green going on, because I dump all the Caulerpa I had before due to red algae. It was sad because I had as many as 10 species..

Anyway, if anyone is thinning their refugium - I like to get some to seed my refugium again. I think the seahorse will enjoy more green .. because they encouarge more pods to grow.

[Peter, I can give you some of my Caulerpa racemosa if you like, perhaps on Saturday?

Why does your refugium look more like a new display tank to me? :D]
Thanks. I'll take your grape Caulerpa - my tang likes them. I'll frag you some of my caulerpa if you care for it. E-mail me and let's see what works best for Saturday. I don't have any plan yet.

Oh..the refugium looks clean now. But give it time. Sump is still like a new toy- and I'm keeping it clean. Once I get lazy (I mean, lost interest)..I'm sure it'll go downhill fast. :smart:]