Overflow box help - Changing overflow from clear to opaque

[My tank has a clear overflow box, and I really just don't like seeing the drains. My tank is apart now, and I am wondering the best way to make them opaque (preferably the same color as the background - which I haven't chosen yet). Should I glue new pieces of acrylic on top of the old? Remove the old and just remake the box out of new colored acrylic? Anyway to paint or color the current box? What's the best solution?

For reference, here's a pic of the tank before I took it down:


I plan on visiting Allied Plastics on Monday since it's close to my work and getting some coroplast for the background ... I'm assuming I can find something for the overflow as well!

[Why don't you cut some black acrylic and insert it so that it is snug in the overflow box? It would hide your plumbing.]
[Marc, that was what I originally intended to do, just making sure that was the best route to go. :) Now my question is, if I buy Coroplast for the background, can I submerge a piece of it in the overflow, or do I need to get acrylic for that?

[I would use acrylic in the overflow itself.]