Oh no you didn't!!


Premium Member
In the process of setting up a new tank, I moved corals and the midas blenny into a temp home...a 15 gallon tank with a 3 gallon refugium. When I finally caught the fish I ran him in the net right to the three gallon and on went the custom cover. Simple set up, 3/4" bulkhead with a bulkhead strainer sent water over into the 15 gallon tank with the corals. One of the bars on the strainer I removed for faster flow leaving a small opening. He loves skimming and bobbing at the top of the water and has hit the lid on the old tank and this one many times. I am clueless how he did it but he got into that opening in the overflow strainer and slid down the Loc-Line tubing into the 15 gallon tank. He was pretty freaked out and hid in the corner so I scrambled at making a new top while he was too scared to move around. Crazy little fish.

[attachment=0]Moving fish.jpg[/attachment]
Little dude rode the EAC like a champ. :)
(Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Australian_Current )