New Corals from the Saltwater Paradise sale


Premium Member
Here are two corals that I pickup up at the Saltwater Paradise sale yesterday.



They are running a sale with great discounts that ends today.
Nice pickup David.

I think the first is a table acro called an hycinthus and the second one may be an A. microclados
You got the one I was looking for!
I drove out from Northlake to buy the coral in your second pic and it was not there. I ended up buying a nice sized acro, a 2"x2" superman and some nice yellow zoas.

If you are ever willing to trade a frag of that coral I would be happy to give you something from my tank. :)
that sale was by the far the best dealls i have ever had in my history of the hobby. thosse are some nice pieces of acro.. and they still have TONS OF CRAZY CHEAP STUFF left!!

i picked up a huge colony of encursting monti that is green a pink for 15 bucks. a huge piece of tourquoise echino for 15 bucks.. a really good looking maze brain for 15 bucks and a nice piece of zoas for 10 bucks.

all that for 60 bucks are yall kiding me! lol sorry as u can tell i am very happy. my brother got a HUGE piece of purple acan for 20 bucks, a neon green favia for 15 the craziest color sclomyia i have ever seen for 20.
I made some purchases myself. It was a great sale. David, I looked at that 1st coral alot glad someone I know got it. Add me to the frag list when you have time.

I went with the intent to get some of the cheap corals, Ended up with 3 from Extreme and two from Saltwater Paraidise.

Kay made my buy the expensive ones. :D
just picked up 3 nice sized colonies from SWP and a nice encrusting LPS thing (i suck with names). they still have a few nice sized pieces for great prices! some are already frag'able so could practically get your money back quick.

will post pics soon too.
Yeah, I broke down and bought some favia and had a brain lapse :) and got a special little frag of zoas named Jerry Garcia. I hope to get them where I can get a picture as they have kinda different centers.

Here are pics of the Superman and the Acro colony. I will call the acro Kriptonite (sp?) because it almost glows a very light green under 20k.
I'm not very good at taking pics, but these guys are really nice looking!
If my wife was not with me I would have picked up 2 other corals I had my eyes on! :twisted:
It was not as good as Nextwave or the frag swap, but it was a good sale!

Be sure to keep an eye on your Superman see this link and let us know the progress of yours. Please post pics every couple of months.

By the way I got mine from SWP.
@Bayou wrote:
Very nice pics James. The superman is call a montipora tuberculosa. There are various types which you can collect. The one with the red polyps of course is call superman and the one with green polyps is either call supergirl/pokerstar.

As for the other coral, it looks like a plana to me. Not sure, but here is a link you can compare your coral.

Overall, very nices pics :)

Thanks for the link to the link to the RC thread. That was an intresting read and will definatly effect where I place it in the tank.
I photogragh everything monthly, so I will post pics as it ages.