need help installing knop ca reactor

As the title says --- I need a little assistance installing my ca reactor.. I've had it a little over a month and its been sitting in the corner next to the aquarium. The only instructions I can find are in German; the English version is toooooooo vague to follow...

Anyone familiar with this setup?
Marcus, I made this page last night. It also includes a link to a good article in Reefkeeping. Between the two, I hope you'll have enough information to work with.

Matter of fact, if anyone else is reading the page, let me know your thoughts. Is it clear enough? I tried to keep it simple, and avoid cluttering it up with too much information.
sweet page! couldnt be better timing, i about to hook up that same reactor! only thing i could think is more fine details, like maxi jet size? and those cool animated gifs showing flow maybe? dont know...would have to take more time to read thoroughly...great starting place though! hopefully this will help him out cause i am just like him, lost and needing help, willing to pay even it seems so confusing!
The second article from Reefkeeping that is linked at the base of the page has tons more detailed information.

I may add some id's in each picture to label the various items I'm referring to. Or make a second image with a mouse-over feature.
Calcium reactors are a little bit tricky since there are two or three different things you can control that each will do the same job, as long as you don't mess with them at once. :)

Whatever you do, take your time. Each change made requires you to wait roughly 24 hours to see how it affected your tank. Just getting the pH to drop in my reactor with 1 bps took almost 6 hours.

here is a good site too for calcium reactor info