Myths busted!

The topic at this evenings meeting was about angels. It was very informative and interesting.
One of the biggest thing I took away from it is that the whole "angels aren't reef safe" thing is hogwash.
Meaty LPS like Lobo's, Wellso's, Scoly's, etc. should not be kept with large angels. Definitely no clams either. You can have one with SPS, LPS like frogspawn or torch, and a lot of the softies.
Of course it also depends on you feeding the angel enough. A hungry fish will eat what it can find.

Another thing that is hogwash is "you can only have 1". Dwarf angels are actually found in harems on the reef with 1 male breeding multiple females. They are the opposite of clowns in that the dominant one turns male.
Even larger angels can be kept together. The catch phrase here is - "it's not what you add, it's how you add it".
It taught me several things also. Before his presentation I told him I'd 'successfully' had a few flame angels but had bad luck with a bicolor and a koran (all of them at separate times). I then said "but you know, it's a 50-50 deal and you get the luck of the draw". He very graciously just glided past my ignorance knowing what I was about to learn.

I want another angel but now I'm a little concerned about the zoos.

Great info, I'm very glad I was there.
Loved his presentation, and came home with plans to buy one in the near future. :)
Any chance it was recorded and I might get to view a copy. This was a topic I would have loved to have been at.

I was all set to come and at the last minute a friend called with an extra ticket to the Texas-Nebraska game. Well.......had to go with the game.