My mandarins I guess eat anything


Premium Member
While obviously my ORA mandarin pair eat pellets and pods I always wondered if they ate other foods. I feed pellets, Rod's Food and other frozen foods to the fish and for the new Watchman goby I've been using a feeding tube to squirt food at his opening. Just now I squirted a large chunk of plankton mixed with smaller pieces of Rod's food in front of his hole. The female mandarin happened to be there and to my surprise she went over and sucked in all the smaller pieces of food. And then even tackled the large 1/4" chunk of plankton shrimp biting the end and shaking it. I turned to get the camera and by the time I got back the Watchman was chewing on food and the mandarin had nothing. While I can't know for sure I would hope the male is the same. But it's nice knowing that at least she's not a finicky eater and eats a variety of foods. I know pictures are worth a thousand words but some Kodak moments happen way too fast to capture. Sorry.