Microphoto of Tank Debris

When I was moving my tank from one room to another, I ended up with something from my live rock stuck in my finger. Well, with the help of a stereoscope I finally got it out today and took a quick picture. Let me know if anyone has an idea what it might be. Picture taken ~100x mounted in permount with transmitted light. Measures ~2mm x 1mm.
Well hard to relate a 100% magnified photo to what my eye sees, but if it was spongey and a little sticky and black, it sounds like a algae that has shown up in my tanks on occasion. I pull it out when I see it and try to get it all since if some floats around it will stick to something and start growing again. Usually turn off all powerheads to make the task easier.
Substance was hard and a pinkish tan color. It was imbedded in my finger like a thorn, but did not look like a bristle worm bristle.
Totally guessing that it was part of a tubeworm tube. They are all over the rocks and will poke the crap out of you (I have blodd to prove from several tank moves) I would guess that's all it is.