Mated Clowns

I'm wanting to add a pair of mated clowns to my 34 gal. My question is, with the tank being 5 weeks old would it be wise? All test are 0 except for nitrates (20)

2nd question is it cruel to add them without them having a anemone to live in?

The only thing I have in the tank now is snails and 2 peppermint shrimp
Should be perfectly fine. I would suggest getting a pair of tank raised clowns as they will be hardier and have less diseases.

They will survive just fine without an anemone. They don't need one at all!
I would get in touch with Allen and Michelle (na1paj). They have some tank raised clowns they need to get rid of but they're in Plano and a little difficult to get in touch with because of their schedules.
I've had my clown in my tank with nitrates as high as 200. Mine tend to hide a lot when it's this high (or it could have been because she was the only clown in the tank for 3 or so years) so I would think it's not comfortable for them but they are very hardy. They seem fine without an anemone but I wouldn't try an anemone until your tank is around a year old IMO.
Clowns are damsels, and they are hardy. Older marine books used to show a clown being used to cycle a tank. Now it's the good ole table shrimp.

Don't look for a "mated" pair. Usually hard to find, and when you change their environment, they usually stop laying, at least for awhile. As Keith stated, best bet is to get two tank raised, making sure that one is significantly larger (female) and the other about 1/3 to a max of 1/2 the size of the female (juvi). They should "pair" up and eventually "mate."
Or just buy 2 young juvi's. Within a couple months they'll figure out who will be female and she'll start growing and he will remain small. Usually within a year or 18 months they'll spawn.