
Our mandrian occassionally seems to play dead as well...then all the sudden will take off like a shot. Just thought I would throw in our experience.
Good Luck with yours, my son named him manny.
I got this picture tonight. I was watching the tank as my husband adjusted the skimmer box and saw the mandarin swim out of the rockwork. He swam around the front of the tank back and forth along the glass for about 3 minutes - this is unusual for him since he normally hangs out just in the rockwork. He went to the top of the tank and fell asleep. As usual with sleeping Mandarins, his color faded.

We've found him sleeping at the top of the tank many mornings before, but I'd never seen him actually fall asleep :p

Isn't it wierd how they look like they're dead? We still love him :D

PS sorry for the crappy picture. he was right up against the glass and I had to use flash to light things up since the tank lights were off.
Mine will skim the surface of the water from time to time, but it has never gone to sleep up there. Think your fish might have narcolepsy? :lol:
I looked and it seems that he floats around the watercolumn or wherever the powerheads blow him while he's sleeping. Mostly at the top.

However, I think he's teaching my other fish his bad sleeping habits. I just found my copperband butterfly sleeping completely sideways at the surface in the back corner!!
Thanks for all the replies. The Mandarin seems to be doing quite well.

He was stung by the frogspwan a couple of times, but is doing well now.
