[We have a 100 gallon tank, it's 21 inches in height 18 inches deep and 60 inches long.
So far we have 2-30 lb bags of CaribSea Aragonite sugar-sized sand. Also we have 3-20lb bags of Natures Ocean Bio-Active Live Aragonite. There is a petstore in town w/ live sand as well. Now, we have to decide what combination of sand to make up 150 lbs more. (what do you think?) This will total 250 lbs of sand.
We will buy a heater and bring home enough RO water before the live rock gets here-which should be Friday.
Our plan is to get the sand and water in the tank by tomorrow (Wed). The water should be heated to temp before the rock gets here. But, does it matter that the water won't be heated before it comes in contact w/ a partially live sand bed?
I want opinions on how we should treat the live rock when it arrives. And, depending on how much 90lbs of live rock really is... will adding base rock at the same time be okay? Also, would you recommend some type of support in the sand under the rock or not?
oh... and what about lighting -can we delay buying our complete lighting set up... since it will only be rock and sand in the tank for now? we only have 90 watts @ this point. Our planned set up will give us 692 watts-eventually.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Nancy Harris]
So far we have 2-30 lb bags of CaribSea Aragonite sugar-sized sand. Also we have 3-20lb bags of Natures Ocean Bio-Active Live Aragonite. There is a petstore in town w/ live sand as well. Now, we have to decide what combination of sand to make up 150 lbs more. (what do you think?) This will total 250 lbs of sand.
We will buy a heater and bring home enough RO water before the live rock gets here-which should be Friday.
Our plan is to get the sand and water in the tank by tomorrow (Wed). The water should be heated to temp before the rock gets here. But, does it matter that the water won't be heated before it comes in contact w/ a partially live sand bed?
I want opinions on how we should treat the live rock when it arrives. And, depending on how much 90lbs of live rock really is... will adding base rock at the same time be okay? Also, would you recommend some type of support in the sand under the rock or not?
oh... and what about lighting -can we delay buying our complete lighting set up... since it will only be rock and sand in the tank for now? we only have 90 watts @ this point. Our planned set up will give us 692 watts-eventually.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Nancy Harris]