Light % settings for AI Hydra


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I am new so I would like some advice. Can some one give me some sort of guideline I can start off with. I know it is sort of a personal preference on light settings. I have a new Hydra and it is hanging approximately 8 inches above the water. I am starting with some LPS coral frags. An Aussi Duncan, Zoanthid and Polybola. I have developed some gold color algae on the disc the Frags are glued to. What is a good % setting for the colors I have, starting out. I have: violet, white, red, green, dark blue, royal and UV.
Would like to get settings for day time and night time.

Thank you, Roy
What's the tank size? Got a photo of the algae? Gold - sounds like diatoms.

The hydra puts out a lot of light. You may need 30-50% max for daylight.
I don't have the AI light but mine is similar in watts of led. I use 12 hours total with two hour ramps 10-35% sunrise and 35-10% sunset. So it's at 35% for 8hrs. I feel like its a bit long but that is the schedule I pulled from the apex how-to i found on forums. Lights Off- from 10pm-sunrise. 10% antinics - for moonlight if moon is up from sunset to 10pm. 10% is the lowest setting I can dim btw.

Please note that I am new to reefing and have been running my tank for only a few months. Zoas and softies are doing great. I have a lobo and acan that' are doing great as well.

If I were you id make sure your corals are getting enough par and go for the low end of the suggested range especially if you have problematic algea.
Here is my settings when I used the AI controller. I now use Apex Fusion but the percentage is same.

I have sunrise from 8am-11am and sunset 6pm-8pm. Moons on until 1am then all lights off. I can't remember top off my head but I think for the moonlight, it is blues at 1% and UV at 6%.

Agree with starting out lower rather than higher. You can use the coral acclimation mode on the controller to reach your target settings. Or, if you want to do it manually, just add 5% a week to main colors like white and blues until you see bleaching. I would start a little lower on UV just to be safe.

I do a 3-hour ramp-up and then peak at about 60% on blues, 40% on whites, for about 5 hours with a 1 hour ramp down. Red and Greens peak at 5% each, working violet and UV up slowly as I did not have those colors on the Vega so I'm starting from 5% on each of those and going from there.
I have my lps including this favia right below the water and its growing fast. No light acclimation to leds and it came from bottom of a T5 lit tank.

Here is a pic of a chalice that came from bottom of another T5 lit tank sitting at top of tank.
Sorry forgot to mention mine are DIY and running 100% blue and all mixed colors for 12 hours plus 1 hour before and after for ramp period. Then whites full power for 4 hours plus 1 hour before and after for ramp up and down.
@Mike R wrote:
I would keep the reds and greens pretty low. They tend to promote nuisance algae growth. said:
Only if your over feeding and don't have proper export of the nutrients. I've got mine down to where I can feed a big cube of frozen not rinsed everyday. With algae always in tank and pellets that feed twice a day with AFS.