Lets see your Leather!

I cut off that last leather I posted. It has already attached to a rock & is in the corner of the 55 because it was NOT happy in the QT tank (lights are not good enough). That was the hardest thing I've ever done! I used a razor blade and cut it as close to the rock as I could but it was not only very hard to cut through, I just cringed the entire time as it reacted to what I was doing. Agh! The corals that were shaded by it are much happier now. Oh, and the big devil's hand is about to pop at least 2 more babies that I can tell...at least that's easier than cutting them off! I'm still cringing and that was 2 weeks ago!

I need to put up a sale thread & get it out of my tank before it attaches to the glass & I have to do it again LOL.