just wanted to share about my RO/Culligan's experience

I am slowly changing over from Keller tap to Kroger's Culligans (RO) water by doing water changes and topping off with RO only. I can't believe how my algae has slowed in growth in my tank especially the brown on the DSB. It is truly worth the little bit of money to spend... and less need for sand sifters. Just wanted share the results I had with the water... especially since the water was from Kroger.
And you will truely save even more money if you buy and install a RO unit for your house. I use to buy water from LFS and found they dont change their filters often enough. And can in the long run cause algae. Look into investing in a RO unit. Great to have for emergency water changes and top offs.
AND you don't have to lug water, the most convenient thing, to me. I used to buy the salt water from my lfs, which was fine...but to do a 20% water change, it took 5 of the blue camping containers. Lugging them into the house, then on top of my tank, was a chore I never looked forward to.

Now, all I have to do is drop in the pump, put the hose in my tank, and voila! Water change is done.
RO units are fine, but I believe alot has to still do with the local water supply as far as if all contaminents are being removed. Julian Sprung even states that most RO units only remove 90 to 95% of pollutants, and a possible 10% level of phosphate is significant. I knew buying his book would make me dangerous. I stopped using the unit I have.

That being said, for the past 2 months I've been using Water Provisions To Go, one of our sponsers, and I cannot believe the reduction in algea. The RO/DI unit they use is HUGE and the UV unit is probably 6 feet tall. They constantly check their output to assure its quality. Cost seems very tolorable. You can prepay 100 gallons at 35 cents a gallon. They even sell RO/DI ice for those possible emergencies.
Ro does only take 90-95% that's why you put a DI after to get it to zero are darn close. DI is so cheap to add it is for sure worth it!
I was curious as to what "type" of unit was used to get that figure (from Sprung). Myself, I run a custom 6 stage, dual DI setup for that very problem.