In memory of Puffpuff

So to honor the death of my little Puffpuff, here's his life story.

He started out as a little freshwater pufferfish with about half a dozen other brothers and sisters at DNA. He smiled and showed off for all the people to come up to him but nobody would take him.. He waited and waited and waited for a new home and one day he found one.

He came to live in a 10g tank.. Slowly he began to appreciate saltwater and made a new friend with a false percula clownfish. They stayed in this little cozy abode until his owner sold off all her cichlids and converted a 40g tank just for his sake. All those house spent pacing the 10g tank were eventually spent swimming free in a new home with an assortment of new friends.

Over the year he made some new friends. The most notable are a yellow wrasse, another clown, and a mean ol' arc eye hawkfish. Puffpuff tried to tell the hawk to leave his clown friends alone but he was so small the hawk ignored him. Eventually it was just Puff and the wrasse.. But their owner had something new for them. A big 75g aquarium! All the room the puffer could dream of having! New friends came and went, some stuck around, but eventually the new corals started to fade. The tank had dropped to 64* and the owner was entirely unaware. So other friends found new homes.. A dancing lunar wrasse, a kole tang..

A long cold night was spent in a bucket. Puffpuff was confused but knew this had to lead to greater things. A brand spankin' new 50g tank! After months of frustration with too large a tank the owner found something perfect. Soon Puff and his friends met a new friend. A sargassum angler.. Puffpuff was intrigued. What was this algae looking monster doing crawling around on his stomping grounds? And what in the heck was that yummy dangly bit on his forehead?

Hm. What is this there for... Puffpuff bugged the angler all night long until the angler finally tried to consume him. Puffpuff got really big, filled himself up with water to try to scare the angler. Only because his faithful owner was nearby to rescue him did he come out alive.

The angler soon passed from a mysterious illness. Everything was quiet for a while. A waspfish quietly sat on the rocks. A snowflake eel soon came to say hi. Everybody ate lots of ghost shrimp and everything was happy.

One night a strange box attached itself to the back of the tank. The words "HOB fuge" didn't make sense to him.. What was this strange contraption? He looked at it from his tank, wondering what all that fun swimming area was doing out of his reach.

The next morning he figured it out. There was a strange tube that seemed to have a link with the mystery box. Upon inspection he was soon sucked up. In one chamber... The water pulled him into another and another. Past the bubbly protein skimmer. He was whisked away past a larger chamber. He went up and down one last time with a huge grin on his face, the most exciting water current ever!

Only.. There was a powerhead ahead pushing water back into his home. It didn't have a guard on the intake.. Puffer was entirely unaware. When it finally occurred to him to yell to his wrasse and damsel friend to help him they didn't know how to get to him..

He loved to swim with the current. He'd spend hours carefully swimming in front of a powerhead to fly across the length of the tank. He loved to eat ghost shrimp and affectionately nibble on his owner's fingers. He was always greeting his owner with a huge smile on his face, watching TV with her, and eating her snails.

So.. In memory of Puffpuff, who died on May 28, 2008 at the hands of his owner's lack of foresight after 3 years in her care.
