Id this shrimp please

[I picked up a peppermint shrimp for the LFS last night and when I put the bag in the aquarium to begin the acclimation process, I saw this guy in there with him.

He/she isn't afraid to come out. I have actually seen it swimming around the tank! It seems to be much more transparent than the peppermint shrimp (which is why he made it into the bag) What do you think?


Edited By allmarine on 1106753327
[It could be a peppermint with just no pigment in the shell??? It looks alot like a ghost shrimp though... just not clear enough?]
[Hmm.. Ok well thanks guys.

It is just weird that he is not reclusive like the other one and comes out and swims around a lot.]
[I don't know what it is called but it looks like one of those saltwater feeder shrimp I buy to feed my seahorses. Plano Pets sells them.

They look like ghost shrimp but they live in saltwater.]
[It's a freshwater prawn that is sold as or comes mixed in with Feeder Ghost Shrimp sometimes. They get BIG, 3-4 inches, and will eat small fish when they get large enough. I don't know how long they can thrive in 30ppt saltwater, but I have seen them last several days before being eaten by larger fish.

I would yank it out in case it can survive, gets to big and possiblt turn into a problem. They are hard to catch in a tank full of rock...

Good Luck,
[Well a quick update....

He just kicked the bucket, so we dont have to worry about it anymore.

Thanks for your help guys.]