ID Please

Looks like pink star polyps to me. When the "hair" is not there, is it a pink mat underneath? If you look really close at it, can you tell if each stem like thing has 5 or so "branches" at the top? If so, then you have pink star polyps.
I think it is Encrusting Gargonian as well. Did you get it at Fish Paradise?
I am going with the encusting gorgonian as well, stars don't usually grow that fast and they don't have that really fuzzy look to them either.......only my opinion tho! :eek:
I am going to agree with Robyn, Marc and Robert...I ave the same thing in my tank and that is what I was told it was (by several people).
I didnt think it was PSP , looks different for sure. I didnt get it from fish paradise, but they sure do have it in all their tanks, thanks for everyones help, I will wonder no more :lol: