I Want More Color!

I have a predominately softie coral reef set-up, but want more color. Do any of you have any suggestions on what types of soft corals could add some much needed color?

I will attach pictures when I get home. I loved Blide's tank when he had it set up as a soft coral tank. That is really what I am looking for.

Any ideas?


@Matt wrote:
What about a Yellow Fiji Leather? What colors do you currently have? A large colony of brightly colored Zoanthids would help as well. said:
I think that this will be my next coral. They are certainly bright. I know that Frank has some. Does anyone have any frags?

@gmax wrote:
Think you can keep a carnation coral alive? They are certainly colorful. said:
Carnation corals look like hard to keep corals.

Oh, by the way, Matt, I currently have quite a few colors. I just wanted something that is not the normal pinkish color that most softies seem to be.
Tyree Toadstool
Palau Sinularia

After that you have to mix in LPS or something, like a nice lobo, cynarina, wellso, acan, et. al.
Just try and stay away from brown and pink colors.

My moto back then was to get as many different colors and shapes as possible. Try sinularia's (white, purple, or green), Toadstools, Yellow Fiji, Zoo's, LPS (Frogspawn and brain's), with some easy to care for SPS (Digitata and Cap's).
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I will be looking for several of these over the next few weeks. Anyone have any they want to get rid of?

How hardy is the Red Lobo?

And now for the pictures!
What about some colorful fish instead?

A bunch of chromis, anthias, or royal grammas could do the trick.

And while I'm definitely not a fan of mushrooms, you could add some blue ones that would really help break up the monotony of colors that you've noticed.
I think that if you put a background on the tank, the colors that are already there would pop more. I'm a fan of solid black myself.
I agree with Marc and add a bunch of small fish.

Your pictures look good and I think you doing a great job already. What kind of lighting are you using?
You might consider some purple photosyn. gorgonians or some bright colored fungia. You could also start replacing/ trading away some of the more bland common softies like the kenya trees and devil's hand.
@Marc wrote:
What about some colorful fish instead? A bunch of chromis said:
I would love to add a few anthias, but I am afraid that my bioload cant handle it. Getting rid of several fish is really not an option........per my wife! :shock: She would be pretty upset.

Currently I have:

1 yellow tang
1 regal tang
1 bristletooth tang
1 engineer goby
Pair of Maroon clowns
1 Fat Mandarin
1 purple psuedochromi

This is a pretty heavy bioload already for a 125.

What do you think?
@blide wrote:
I agree with Marc and add a bunch of small fish. Your pictures look good and I think you doing a great job already. What kind of lighting are you using? said:
I am currenlty running 2 - 400 watt MH (10K Reeflux), and supplementing actinics with 4 - 65 watt pc.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.
@greatwit wrote:
You might consider some purple photosyn. gorgonians or some bright colored fungia. You could also start replacing/ trading away some of the more bland common softies like the kenya trees and devil's hand. said:
I have always given away my kenya tree frags. Does anybody want some?
This tank is awesome!!! I've seen it in person!!!

Have you thought about cyanaria or blastos??? Those can be quite colorful!!