Hydnoporagrandis stung

[Yesterday, I found hydnoporagrandis leaning on montipora capricornis. I straighten hydnoporagrandis - but the damage is done. Today, montipora is slowly dying back. What do I do? should I break up the dead part? I hate to break it up - but I also don't want to loose it.


@peterlin wrote:
[Yesterday said:
[I don't have a clue about what to *do* with it, but it looks like you've got a monti that got some pretty bad stings there. The damage is probably already done. You could use a turkey baster to blow away any chemical residue off the monti, but I'm not sure I'd hold out any hope of that helping. Maybe someone else can give you some better ideas. Hydno is a stinging coral, make sure it has plenty of space around it.]
[I think at this point your only option is to break off the decay before it engulfs the whole piece. It may already be to late so If I were you I would also break a piece off as far away from the decay as possible to insure I have some of this left.]
[I'm so sad - because this montipora capricornis is the reason I bought Steven Vu's corals. I did break it up in pieces - hoping to salvage one. Previously, I did not have much luck with sps colony when it started to die off.]
@peterlin wrote:
[I'm so sad - because this montipora capricornis is the reason I bought Steven Vu's corals. I did break it up in pieces - hoping to salvage one. Previously said:
[If it helps any, if you give it some medium current across its surface and keep the disk clean, it will be back to its original size in 6 months probably. :laugh:

Caps grow like weeds under reasonable conditions.]