Help with solution

Does anyone know what is causing this, I clean the glass 3-4 times a day and after each time I clean the glass, it gets right back on the glass. It is in the sand and rocks. The tank has been running for 2 weeks on Sunday.

Time and Patience.

It's just an algae bloom from being a new tank. Usually green is first, then it tunes brown or red, and then, as the tank matures, it will go away. It's just part of the natural cycle. Give it a little time, you're trying to recreate something that took millions of years with billions of gallons of water in a short time and in a small area.
That's a lot of green. Either you are feeding too much or there isn't enough nutrients being exported by your filtration, and/or your lights are running too long each day. For a new tank, that shouldn't be growing that much in abundance. My 400g has been up less than three weeks and I'm not seeing any bloom like that.
I have my 3- 400 MH on 8 hours, is that too long. How do I know if not enough nutrients being exported by filtration.
The green on the glass is pretty severe. How many days does it take to build up like that? You said you clean it 3-4x per day... does it come off the glass completely, or just partially? What are you feeding your tank and how often/how much?
I bought the complete 210 gallon setup from someone that has had it up and running for 2 plus years. yes, I clean the glass and it all comes off and then gets dirty again. I feed one time a day, I feed Mysis and spirinium and garlic. I have my 3- 400 watt MH on 8 hours, I cut them back to 6 hours.
@jprice wrote:
I bought the complete 210 gallon setup from someone that has had it up and running for 2 plus years. yes said:
I think I will get agreement here that everyday is a bit too much...I only feed every 3 days... gives everything a might try feeding less and running the lights less as its a different season and the sun would normally not be in the sky as much or clouds would be blocking the sun for several days at a time.
Is that aquarium near a window that gets semi-or-direct sunlight for a few hours?
If it were me, I would not run the lights for two days. That will help you a little bit on that algae. Now the feeding once a day is fine. I feed my fish twice a day. Nori in the morning and frozen food in the evening.

If your Mysis is san Francisco bay brand, I recommend you rinse it before using it for about 3 months while your tank settles in from the move. Also it looks like you are using water from your tap to fill the tank, Did you do that? If not you may want to test the source of your RODI water

The next thing in my mind, would be the bulbs. Are they old bulbs? What K are the bulbs? If they are used, I would think about changing them. Is your protein skimmer working?
I think it's several factors:

New tank
Feeding too much
Possibly to small protein skimmer

Can you submit a pic of your refugium and your skimmer so we can see the skimate it's producing?

Thanks and good luck.
I am using water from my RODI unit, my reading going in is 142 PPM and coming out 0 PPM. Here are couple pictures of my refugium, skimmer and RODI unit. When I set up the tank, I used most of the water and I added some more sand. I may need to adjust skimmer to skim more wet.
That's a nice setup. Try feeding every other day for a while. And also adding chemi pure elite or a phosphate reactor (if not already) will really help. Chemi pure elite is an easy solution. Just change every couple of months. Really helped my tank in the beginning.
Oh ok. Well it sounds like you are doing the right things. Looks like you need to clean the skimmer again. When it was on during the time the sand made the smoke in your tank, the skimmer pulled that out. Clean the collection cup, and whip out the inside cone with a paper towl to get the white film off of it. Should help out. Also a phosphate remover will help out allot.