Help w salt mixing plz

Ican someone help me up until now ive been buying saltwater already mixed at store in fear of messing something up. But thats getting costly!!! So today i bought a bug bucket of salt to mix myself. My question is is the water that they sell in the machines outside grocery stores good for mixing salt or does it have to be distilled water? Ive never used one of them machines i dont know if its distilled or drunking or what.
the problem with those is that you never know if the filters are clean or when the last time they were changed out. The best thing i would recommend doing is fork the extra cash out and buy a nice ro/di it pays for itself in the long run cost. Plus the benifit of buying your own ro/di is the fact that i know the filters get changed on time or when the tds starts to rise. if you need water i would buy the i gallon jugs to use but if you want to i will fill your jugs for free just to help out a fellow reefer
Wow thats real nice of you. Thanks . I went ahead and got enought water for my water change on way home. Thanks for offering tho. Im gona try to buy me an ro unit in next few weeks. But maybe ill stop by for my next water change and just pay you at least you can make a lil that way. Can an ro unit be hooked up to a kitchen water faucet? Cause im in an apartment