Help me to identify this clam - Also, how to care for this beauty

[I cant see the shell very clearly in that shot, but it looks like a crocea. Is the shell smooth or does it have little "ledges" (scutes) sticking out of it?
Croceas need very intense lighting, usually metal halide to thrive. Also feeding live phytoplankton and high calcium levels for proper growth.]
[From what I can see (not clearly seeing the shell) you have a Tridacna crocea clam. I would suggest that you do some reading on the species. They need a lot of light (just how much is yet another area of "discussion") and greatly prefer to have their bysall foot attached to rock.

You should consider placing him in your rockwork. If he hasn't already lost his foot you can place a rock under him for him to feel at home.

And that funny thing with the long feelers is a shrimp. (jk)

Edited By Scott Comstock on 1102008819
[Agree that it most likely is a Crocea.

Reading your profile you have VHO only so it will be challanging (as these are the most light demanding clams) but not impossible. Put him very high in your rockwork.

They are filter feeders and love phyto so if your not already start dosing your tank with phytoplankton.

Here is a good beginner link

Beginner Clams

Here is another good link with a bunch of info linked at the top also. WWM Clam Link]

Edited By kwl1763 on 1102009704
[whatever you do, ~don't ever target feed a clam~ that means injectng them or blasting them with phyto. you can damage the clam if you do this.
just provide plenty of light from a metal halide light, add every once and awhile phyto to your water column, the clam will filter feed naturally. other than that, just maintian your water parameters and your clam will remain healthy and grow big.

here's a pic of my crocea. i've had this clam for nearly a year.
:cool grin:]
[This may be just a wording issue but I would correct the above post to say don't blast or inject them.

Target feeding simply means feeding specifically them. For instance covering them with a 2L bottle top and putting phyto in there so it doesn't fly around the tank or putting them in a bowl/tupperware and putting phyto in so they can feed in water that has a very high concentration of phyto.

It is essential to "target feed" small ones. If they are under 3" they won't survive on light alone and need to be fed. You can do this feeding your whole tank but you do have to add a lot!]
[Thank you all,

I thought it either Maxima or Crocea. I guess I will give this clam to my brother who has MH.


[Very Gentle Target feeding is okay,, the method keith speaks of is close to how we used to inject them at Aquatic Wildlife to get them to spawn..... and NO I will not tell you how that is done...:)

But its okay to feed them llll hehe

[i would hate to see any novice clam keeper take a turkey baster or large syringe and directly inject a clam with phyto. but, placing a small clam in a bowl of high concentration of phyto is an acceptable means feeding it, its also just as easy to add dt's directly to the water column.

here's a helpful link:clamsdirect feeding forum]