Help! Losing all my fish!

I have a 46 gallon and had a juv annularis, juv Niger trigger, still have juv lionfish and baby snowflake eel. In one day I lost my angel and trigger. Trigger had cloudy eyes the day he died Abd had no signs of illness prior. The lionfish the same day got cloudy eyes and us laying at the bottom on the tank. Trigger ate like a pig the day he died and angel stopped eating. My lionfish has stopped eating now. Parameters are
pH 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 5
Nitrites 0
Temp 77
Tank has been up for 4 months

Please help!
Hi Kate!

I wish that I were a fish expert, but I'm not. Do you have all the electrical plugged in to a gfci plug? If you do, and it is working properly, any current leaks from your equipment would shut off the electric. I am probably way off here, but could you be shocking the fish? Could that snowflake be bothering the fish? He would have trouble bothering the lion fish, and you say they are the only ones left.

Hi David!
Yeah I just got a juv annularis angel Friday to put in my fowlr tank and Sunday it died and then my trigger died Monday morning and I noticed he had cloudy eyes. Now my lion has cloudy eyes. I only have my lion and eel left. The angel when I got it didn't eat and hid most of the time. He did that when I got him but was not as bad. My trigger ate like a pig Sunday night when I fed and was dead Monday morning. my lion was acting normal and ate but did not eat last night. He was just sitting on the bottom of my tank this morning taking deep breaths. I don't know whats going on. I am leaving my lights off.
I got a rabbit fish over a year ago with cloudy eyes, but most of the cloudiness is gone now.

What about the vlamini tang? And what about any other fish that you have?

I don't have a vlamini tang, I was looking for one earlier before all this happened. All I have left in this tank is my lion fish and eel. I have a reef rank as well but that tank is fine, it's doing great along with my 10 gallon. Just my fish only tank is where the issue is.
Cloudy eyes is a symptom for a number of potential problems, so it's hard to say. Also, none of those fish really belong in a tank that small, so it could be stress related.