General Damsel Fish Question

I have a generic damselfish question. This is just one of the possibilities in my mind right now. I have a full grown Gramma in my tank and soon I will be picking up a pair of Cinnamon clownfish. I am not sure what to do after that though. I was browsing through damselfish on liveaquaria for fun when I found two that really caught my eye. The Azure and Yellowtail. Would the fish listed above be able to co-exist with the damsels listed? And which damselfish should I get, Azure or Yellowtail?
the clowns and the gramma will probably be fine with occasional spats of aggresion, but adding damsels to the mix is a terrible idea. Damsels are generally little terrors.
I had to catch and remove the damsels from my 180, they attacked my hand every time I reached into the tank... No local fish store wanted them back... If you watched the last show of TANKED, the most aggressive fish off the coast of California is a male Damsel, known to attack divers.