Frogspawn - Clowns hosting in it

[I got a real nice Frogspawn from Faith. I have seen clowns hosting in them. I am not sure I am ready for an anenome again yet. But I love symbiotic relationships in my tank. What kind of clown would be most likely to host in the frogspawn? Any suggestions or personal experiences.]
[Sorry Chris this isnt from personal experience. I know a few people whose soft coral has been killed by wiggling/hosting clowns. Sarcophyton and Lobophytum are the best choices as they dont damage as easily. Im not saying this always happens but is a great possibility. So be careful and watchful if the clowns do take to it.
Clarkii clowns will host just about anything. Maybe someone from the meeting will remember what kind of clowns were hosting in the frogspawn there. I bet Marc has a pic. HTH]
[Hey Chris, I have 2 Perculas that took to my frogspawn and hairy mushrooms, both corals look great and don't seem to mind. It is hilarious to watch the clowns play under the big mushrooms peeking their heads out and chasing eachother :grinning:]
[Mine host in my frogspwan and hammer.
They are false perculas. My first pair slept by my skimmer box. :smart:]