frag rack questions

ive been trying to make a frag rack, Hot glueing a peice of eggcreate to smagnet cleaner. Ive glued it twice and it feel off both times. Im thinking of attaching it to pvc and placing it into the sand. Not sure what to do, maybe just buy one of these sleek looking frack racks.

my tank is a 24 aquapod and its around 18inches deep. With a 150W HQI
Use superglue gel. Hold it in place for 30-45 seconds. Then while still holding them together, dip them into your tank for another minute or so. That's it!
Use reef safe epoxy to mold the crate into the magnet, let it heal and it will hold a brick on the rack if you want.
Magnet/eggcrate and superglue
Then you can move it anywhere you want.