Feeding my Sun Corals

Where I put them.




Very pretty. I love how colorful they are.
When I got mine most of there tentacles where gone,
I held mysis up against there mounts until they could
get a hold of it. Over the first month a lot of new growth
took place but has not been as much the last month.
And some have grown a lot faster than others.

I've been feeding them every other day, to much not
enough, I have no clue at this point. But at this point
I think I'll keep feeding them the same.

Very nice sun coral!
May I ask what is the container, how do you have it anchored in the tank if at all, and where did you get it (the container)?
Sorry for all the :?: , I want to try something similar.

Do you keep the SC in this container? If not, where in your display tank do you keep it when it's not in the feeding container?

I keep mine rather low in the tank and out of the direct view of the lighting. It looks great where it is, only it's hard to target feed without evvvrrryyy ooonnnne else :roll: wanting a little piece of the action. My fish are ALWAYS hungry. :lol:

They don't have to be out of the light, they just don't require light to survive. I feed mine mini mysis in tank with a turkey baster. You can feed them until they are gorged and can't eat anymore. I've seen some of my polyps eat 4 or 5 mysis in one feeding.