Feather duster and others going missing?

A few months ago i bought a six line wrasse, and i disapeared within the first day. I waited for 8 days then, broke down the rock stack and every thing to find it. I couldn't find it. :cry: so about three days ago i got a mysetery wrasse, i think. well it also disapeared the first day, hmmm. both times i went back to the guy at the different stores, and they both tell me to give it time and it will show up. well the past few days ive noticed some of my snails have been lost. im not sure whats going on. So today i went to the the local store to see my buddy that sold me the wrasse a few days ago, i end up leaving with a coco worm and pistol shrimp. im in a wonderful mood because i got a good deal, well i get home and i noticed that my big feather duster is missing. :sad: i just saw it this morning, in its spot. its crown was about the size of a lid to a jar. i dont know what to do. when i first started i would completly rearange the tank to find things. well i dont want to do that anymore, i finaly have a perfect rock stack. i poked around under the rocks looking for it but i didn't want to disturbe my gobie. i just dont know what to do....... every time i buy something it disapears. anybody plz help me, i keep losing everything. :x

First thing is to stop buying stuff until you figure out what's going on. What is the complete livestock list and parameters for the tank. It is also possible that you may have a crab or something else wrecking havoc in your tank.

i tore down the rock and found the feather duster, pistol shrimp and others. but, no wrasse..... this it the second time. the six line, and now the mystery. i dont know whats going on?