Farewell my friend!

I bought "Debo" the green moray in College Station while attending school there quite some time ago. When I saw him, I just had to have him. He was about 12"-14" long and very active. He made it thru 3 seperate moves and has outgrown 2 tanks. He has been my baby for quite sometime, but just recently made one last move to the Dallas World Aquarium. He now resides in the 4000 gallon predator tank with "Bubba" the 300 lb grouper and another Green Moray Eel. I donated him to the aquarium because he was around 4 1/2 foot long and around 10 inches in diameter. I couldnt upgrade tank sizes again to accomadate his rapid growth. Hope you enjoy some of these pictures of his trip to his new home. These pictures were taken in August, therefore if you have been to the aquarium since then, you probably have seen him.

By the way, I raised this little guy for 6 1/2 years.
wow, that's quite an eel.....must have been a healthy eater....
just out of curiosity, what was his weekly meal allotment ?

also, the last time i was at dwa a few months ago...i thought they had 2 similar eels in that tank already ...
I fed him several frozen fillets of fish twice a week.

I took him to the aquarium in August, so you probably saw him there. He is the smaller of the two eels. The other has been there 12 years and is around 8 foot long. It is absolutely huge.
That is awesome. I have not been to DWA in about 8 months, so I'd like to see your pet. I heard recently that one of the Morays had died, so I'm guessing that would be the older one and that yours is fine.
I think I know that eel. Did you get it at Pet Stop? I was still in College at the time and remember them having a good sized green moray there for some time. We thought about buying it once.

Great Story. Thanks for sharing.
Nikki, thats the one. It was there for quite some time and finally went on sale. Someone had actually brought him back because he ate there lionfish. I didnt even know that was possible.

Marc, I hope it wasnt Debo that passed away. I guess I should call the curator at the aquarium and check up on him. I havent been there in a few months, so I am not really sure.