
Premium Member
We are at cross roads with our hobby. It would be a shame if all of the advancements that we have seen over the past 25 years are lost forever.
Please link and sign the petition!

Bump; this listing would severely slash the progress this hobby has made. Please take the time to submit a comment aginst this baseless ban. Please keep the comments educated and polite, or they will serve no purpose.
If you take the time to comment on regulation.gov, please leave a comment here saying so In order to keep bumping this thread to the homepage!
@DaveG99 wrote:
Big government and more laws. Its getting real bad. said:
Really is, this proposed listing is another example of government needing to feed itself with useless regulation...
One of our own Marc Levinson wrote this on the issue.


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@Andrew wrote:
One of our own Marc Levinson wrote this on the issue. http://www.reefaddicts.com/content.php/385-Hobbyists-Needed-NOW-Read-on Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2 said:
Great article, this is a counter productive ban. The more people who know about reefs and their inhabitants, the more people who care about reefs. Is there any way to make this thread appear as one of the "recent threats" on the homepage without having to bump it ever ten minutes?
I just commented with my thoughts on this stupidity. Please add.

If you aren't sure about what to write, Marc's link is a great place to give you some ideas.
I already posted this on Marc's link. I am considering what exactly to say, and have the following as a rough draft. Please tell me where I can improve it. Thanks!

"This proposed rule does not take in to consideration that many hobbyists are very successfully growing corals of all kinds in captivity. I am one! I do not obtain corals from the wild! I strictly obtain from captive bred resources! And, I am successfully providing corals to other hobbyists from the startling growth that I am getting in my own saltwater aquariums! Please re write this proposal to very clearly protect, and even promote what hobbyists like myself are doing! We are taking pressure off of the corals that you believe to be in danger!"

Sounds good, I would probably add something about the spread of knowledge, about
reefs, the marine hobby creates. The knowledge leads to appreciation which leads to care which benefits reefs overall.
Just thinking out loud here, but I suspect getting a big bureaucracy to spend the time and money to create a completely new set of rules just for corals is a lofty dream that will be very difficult without a huge lobbying effort. I wonder if it would be in our best interest to push for the more reasonable compromise of treating endangered corals like endangered plants. IMHO, getting them to say these species fall under this set of existing rules sounds like a more plausible result. IIRC, endangered plants can be bought and sold locally, but interstate trade is limited.
That's interesting, but do we really want restricted interstate trade? Seems to me that most of the quality online vendors and coral shows that are a large part of the hobby require interstate transport. But if its going to be regulate one way or another, that is a better option.
@Airstreamin wrote:
Commented. Here's what I sent: [quote="Regarding: NOAA-NMFS-2010-0036-0469 To whom it may concern: In regards to the proposed listing of 66 reef-building coral species re-classifications I feel that while the protection of wild coral specimens is imperative to the future stability of reef environments said:

I really like this!

Excellent write up. It comes to mind that rarely does the industry come up with the solution of care and feeding for particular coral species; it almost always ends up being a hobbyist that cracks the code.

Matt's write up today is excellent, including thoughts on the orchid trade that has similar hoops to jump through: http://www.reef2rainforest.com/2013/04/04/commentary-noaas-20122013-66-coral-esa-proposal/
after a little research I found this:


apparently they feel the need to take the opinion out of the writing process and just allow the click of a button. No mention of the coral trade or efforts to restore the reef.