Ever wonder if snails REALLY clean up algae?

My recently set up in-line anemone prop tank was set up with no clean up crew, and has developed a very nasty forest of hair algae and cyano...

On a whim, I dropped a few Trochus snails from my main display in. These guys don't move fast, but they leave a trail of total devastation (The GOOD kind of devastation!) in their wake... I thought this picture shows it quite well:


Anyway, I found it kind of interesting, and figured I'd share... :)
Incredible! That guy is going to be FAT soon! Throw in an emerald crab and see its eyes pop out in excitement :)
Hehe... now the question is he eating it or just mowing it down??? Reminds me of a photo I saw on RC once of the path of munching a hare did on some hair algae.
or he will wind up working out with the rest of us cardiac patients at harris hospital downtown. remember folks, the phrase "funny as a heart attack" isnt funny to someone that has had one.
For the record, after I saw what the Trochus was doing in there, he's got company now... I've dropped 5 or so into that tank, and am keeping my eyes out for more...

And while not nearly as serious as a heart attack, I got to visit the ER Saturday night... Turned out I was passing a kidney stone... OUCH!!! That was NOT fun! (And no, not really relevant to this thread, but I just had to complain to someone! :wink: )
grats on the birth...was it a boy or girl?

*hijack thread*
i had a kidney stone a couple years ago while in college...i named the stone franklin. he was the size of a grain of pepper, but i thought it was the size of a semi! they treat kidney stones very seriously in abilene. i walked in and was rushed to the room and given meds very quickly. how did the dallas hospital do with it? it's something id like to know since im sure ill have another one with my luck.
Actually... I haven't given birth yet... :shock:

Supposedly the worst part is when the stone passes from the kidney to the bladder, which is what sent me to the ER Saturday night...

The ER, while they didn't treat me with the urgency of a cardiac problem (And I wouldn't expect them to!), they didn't mess around. On a Saturday Night in a DFW area ER, on a full moon no less, I was in an examining room 15 minutes after I walked in the door or so...
that's good info to know. yeah once it's in the bladder, it's usually over. the stone either breaks up or is just small enough to pass on through.

cool pic of the snail :)
I have 5 mexican turbos in my 40 reef.

About 4 days after I put them in all my green hair algae was gone.

It is 4 months later and I still don't have a speck of hair algae.

Looks I will never need another carpet cleaning service for my tank.
OUCH!!! serk! I have never had one but I have heard and see people who have them all the time!!!! They look like they are in a bit of pain!
Perhaps the worst pain I ever experienced was a kidney stone. You will knw when it passes too. But they almost always break up and you pass the grit...