Dying Frogspawn


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This stinks... My frogspawn was one of my favorite corals. One head is already toast, a second will be gone in hours. The third appears infected. There's only one head that looks OK so far.

Should I cut that head off to try to save it, or it it a lost cause.

I apologize for the poor picture quality (especially with the exposure on the second one). I was in a hurry.


I wouldn't cut it just yet - there seem to be just the tips left, between the skeleton? It may recover - I'd feed some phyto or microvert, see if those tips come out any farther. Don't target feed, though - it may burn. If the tips are gone, or don't come out, then it's time to cut it off.
I vaguely recall reading about this on RC a while back.. If I remember correctly, the brown coating is some sort of parasitic infection. It did a number on the coral, that's for sure.

I have just have terrible luck lately. First I couldn't keep a couple of angelfish alive in a Q/T tank (twice - Still trying to figure that one out, ended up dumping almost all of the water from it and taking good water from my display tank. I have a pair of chromis in it right now, seeing if whatever was killing my fish is gone.) Second, I had an acropora colony bleach pretty bad. (I moved it a bit to do some maintenance on the surrounding rock and tipped it into a neighbor... Thankfully it seems to be fully recovering from the ordeal, but I was sweating a bit.)
Chris, you are referring to Brown Jelly Disease.
can tis disease affect other coral? also I just had a frogspawn die also and it was the same thing, except I unknowingly bought it that way. Mark, this is exactly what happened to mine now that I see this, brown jelly type substance that was there after part of it would die away.
I just know the name of the disease, not much more. I had a problem with an SPS and Eric Borneman mentioned it to me. It didn't apply, so I didn't research it further.
It's pretty bad stuff. Do a search on RC for brown jelly and frogspawn and there are some treatment options over there. Very difficult to stop though!