Dedicated Zoanthid Tank Under Actinics Only


Premium Member
Bought some new Kessils.  I'm running them over a 60 gallon Softie Tank that is, with the exception of one Favia and some leathers mostly Zoas and Pallys, with just ten fish.  With the new lights running only blues at full intensity the tank is pretty bright and I prefer the look of my zoas under the blue spectrum, but I'm concerned if the blue light is enough for coral growth and or color.  No sump, no skimmer just 10 percent water changes weekly.  Target feed roids about once a week, otherwise no food goes into the tank.  I hang raw table shrimp and/or squid for the fish.  All of them eat off the clip.  Due to the water changes my prams are usually perfect, with the exception of trates which tend to creep up around 50 just before the water change.  I'm running Phosban and carbon in a FX6 canister, changing it out about every two months.  My livestock seem to tolerate the nitrates fine, the zoas actually seem to do better in the nutrient rich water.  Has anyone had any experience running a tank like this.  I may add a Kessil Spectral controller to set up dusk to dawn with just a couple of hours of full sprectum light mid day, but other than for the aesthetics, running just the blues really seems to help with controlling algae growth.Thanks 