Crab ID question Picture Added


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I just set up a 14 G Biocube and bought some live rock from DNA on Tuesday. Just found a crab stowaway yesterday that I can't identify. I tried to take a picture but they didn't come out well (I'll try and upload them this weekend). It likes to hide and hasn't come out fully but is moving around during the day
Body shape and size looks like a Emerald Crab but it is light gray in color. It's legs are banded black and gray and have tiny hairs. It has well developed pinchers that are light grey with white, blunt tips.
Can't find a picture on google that is a match. I'm trying to figure out if I should try to get him out of the tank or not. Any suggestions?
Here's the best picture I could take. It shows his little banded legs and just a small section of his right pincher. I saw his entire body for just a second and he's about the size of a quarter. Thanks for the advise Matt, I'll see If I can catch him. Still would like to know what he is if possible.

I would also agree with taking it out. Check out this site also, should be able to id it from here.

Thank you! I have been trying to ID a crab I found on some live rock and this link clinched it for me! Hate to hijack on this thread, but I got no responses at all to the one I posted. Now the only question is what do I do with the two Xanthids once I catch them?


I got the rock out that he was hiding in and put it in freshwater for an hour and haven't seen him since. If he shows his face again I'll try again and get him to you escaudio.