Coral dying?

Apparently you can dye corals, i just found this out the other day. I saw a coral i really liked at a lfs, it was labled as a finger leather, but it was a pretty purple color, not the usual pinkish brown color. It was not a fake looking, bright gaudy purple either, it was a more subtle, lavender -maybe dark lavender- color with lighter colored polyps. They said it had been in their tank for about a month. How long does it take for the dye to come off when a coral is dyed? I am not one to support the dying of corals or fish, but how would i know that this coral really is not dyed?
yep i read that article already, i did a google search on that coral to see what kinda care it needed, this popped up. the purple of that coral was nothing like the ones in the pics in that article though. those ones just look fake, with the exception of maybe that teal colored plate.
The dyed stuff is usually screaming bright, I really have seen any dyed stuff around these day's but anything is possible. There are really nice colored leathers out like the aussie crown leather that is purple base with bright green polyp's. Several other nice leathers out like the fiji yellow that are all naturally colored and really stand out.

It could be a "carnation" (dendronepthea, scleronepthea, etc) coral. If it is one of those, do your research and make sure that you are ready to take on such a coral.
i dont think it was a carnation...ive read a little about them, i dont wanna get one of those at this time.

i saw some of the aussie leathers you mentioned, those are really pretty! i like the ones with the pretty green polyps. i wasnt able to find anything that looked like the one i saw at the lfs though, or much else about the pretty colored leathers. are they really not that popular?

on another note, i went to get some corals out of a local guys tank, he had a gorgeous dark purple colored one that was bought at a petco. hes had it for about 6mo now, and the color has not faded or gone away, thats long enough for the dye to come out? im just begging him to frag that thing, its so pretty!
There were a bunch of purple leathers that showed up on liveaquaria in the past few months. I haven't been checking lately so I'm not sure if they still sell them on a regular basis. There was a thread on RC about it and someone contacted LA and this is what they had to say,

Thank you for your inquiry. All of the corals we offer are naturally colored as shown in the Diver's Den. However said:
I saw the pics of them and they were VERY purple like you describe. I doubt liveaquaria is dying any corals but you never know.