clowns layed eggs

ok so i finally found my clowns have layed eggs if the anything i can do ? there in tank with lot of other fish is problem. wont everything eat them
There was a really good diagram of a fry "harvester" in one of the presentations at Next Wave from the director of the 20,000gal tank. I dont remember exactly how it went so maybe someone remembers though. It used gentle suction to suck them up as they hatch.
His harvester was a bit more challenging than most. Google larval snagger for examples.

Not all that necessary to have one though. On the night the fry will release just be ready to scoop them out with a teacup and move them a small tank to grow them up.

You will need live rotifers for the first 5 - 6 days. Copepods are better but are harder to maintain.