Clownfish fin nipping flasher wrasse!


Premium Member
My clownfish occelaris adult that I have had for close to 3 years now, has now bitten my flasher wrasse twice!!, the flasher wrasse is a little bigger than the clownfish but not fully grown and has been with the clownfish in a 75g for 4 months. At some point my flasher wrasse got sick, and the clown saw the wrasse's fin while he was sick and bit a good chunk of him, the wrasse was then moved to qt tank and re-introduced about 2 months ago, the tail fin has fully recovered since then. Now today right after feeding, I saw my wrasse flashing around the tank as he always does while and after eating for a long time, I quickly noticed a big chunk of his dorsal red fin missing!!!, very similar in size to the time he was bitten in the tail, pretty sure it was the damn clownfish again!. It is the flasher wrasse in my avatar, my royal gramma charges him sometimes when he gets near his cave, but I am fairly certain the clownfish nipped him, since the royal gramma never bites, despite charging often. I like both fish, but I am not sure what to do, the odd thing is that the clownfish never has bitten any other fish, it is almost like if he developed a taste for wrasse after biting him that first time, additionally the clownfish is never chasing or bullying the wrasse or any other fish for that matter, but rather seems to be oportunistic, he slowly approaches totally timid and then takes the bite!, or at least he did that one time... I have seen the clownfish and flasher eating really close together but this is the second time the damn clown bites him too!.

Was thinking about moving my clownfish to QT for a while, since I am moving in my flame angel and tomini tang currently in QT to display, but I am concerned that when I reintroduce the clown the tang and flame will be realy agressive towards the clown, which is the reason why these 2 are being introduced last.

Any suggestions welcome.