Cleaning mix tub


Premium Member
How do y'all clean the residue off the walls of your mixing tubs? Is this stuff bad for the rodi? Or bad to mix more saltwater inv

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I talked to the Reef Crystals people at MACNA and they said there was nothing wrong with it and to not worry about it. I just rinse my container out when it gets bad but dont worry about it other than that.
oh Ok. Cool. Thank you. I used to use Kent Reef Salt and it never made and residue like this. When I switched over to Salinity after NextWave, thats when I started noticing it. Nothing had has ever happened, so I wasn't really concerned. Just thought I would see what the consensus of the masses was.
I usually have about 5 gallons left over which i just leave in the tub mixing for a few days while adding new water to mix (I do weekly water changes) and my build up is a lot more than what you have. I asked them about this and they said leaving it in the can is ok as long as nothing can get into the water (dust, bug, etc).
I would get a hose and mix up 10 parts water to 1 part bleach. Scrub down the walls with a brush, sponge, or scrubby pad. Once you have it nice and clean, rinse it well and let it air out for 24 hours to dry. It will be ready to use. If you do this annually, that should suffice.

If you want to use Muriatic Acid (HCL), that works faster but you'll have to figure out where to dump the acid solution when done. I clean my 265g poly tank with acid and water. Using a hose, I add about five gallons of water into the empty container, and a quart of acid next being careful not to breathe in. Then I lean the container over on its side, and slosh the solution back and forth over a 2' area. Then I turn the container a little and slosh the next area, and turn, and slosh, and turn and slosh. Once I've turned it 360°, I can stand it up again, and drain the solution out. A garden hose with a jet attachment allows me to rinse the walls well and flush out all of the solution and specks of shale remaining. It's like starting over with a brand new container. I do this once a year.
Yes, but it's slower/weaker. There's no reason to fear bleach water (10 parts water to 1 part bleach) though.