Cleaner shrimp reproducing in reef?

[Anyone ever heard of cleaner shrimps mating in a reef tank?
i took a good look at one of mine tonight by flashlight after lights went out, and its midsection seems to be teeming with eggs all in it!
Any thoughs would be appreciated.

[Was amazing last night i watched as my tank filled with baby cleaner shrimps, i found the one spawning, and watched in awe as it pulled the little ones from its abdomen. Everywhere i looked i had hundreds of baby shrimps. The second one i have in tank has eggs too.

Thought i would share what i thought was a pretty rewarding experience.]
[How come the baby shrimp survive in the ocean but become easy fish food in our tanks? Is it b/c our tanks are more densly populated then normel conditions the shrimp live in?]
[That would be part of it from what i read. Also partly because they need special food to survive as well as safety from predators.]
@Jstchill26 wrote:
[How come the baby shrimp survive in the ocean but become easy fish food in our tanks? Is it b/c our tanks are more densly populated then normel conditions the shrimp live in?] said:
[Lack of food source. They need really small food that does not exsist in our tank (or is consumed faster than our mini reefs can produce it)]
How come the baby shrimp survive in the ocean but become easy fish food in our tanks? Is it b/c our tanks are more densly populated then normel conditions the shrimp live in? said:
A lot of them are sucked up in powerheads or skimmed]
[So we should just flush them down the drain?
As we all learned from a certain movie "All drains lead to the ocean." :lol:]
[I would also say that in addition to all of the above (which is all correct) I read somewhere (Of course I can't find it now) that in the ocean it is estimated that only 1 in 20 million eggs survives! Now I have no idea how many they release each time but that is an extraordinarily low chance on a reef much less in a tank with lots of sheering forces, lots of predetors, and wrong food!

On a seperate note I think we're pretty close to seeing these become readily availble capive raised. Here is an article about it (well actually fire shrimp but same family) that is interesting.
Breeding Shrimp]

Edited By kwl1763 on 1107903368