Clam Quarantine Question


Premium Member
After approximately 14 years in this hobby I will be getting my first clams in about two weeks. Maximas and squamosa from a somewhat unknown source so I need to take all precautions before they enter my main display. Obviously they can't carry ich, but what should I look for?

I have never had clams before and need info on how to properly Quarantine them. Do I need to dip them in something, or simply quarantine them and observe for a period before adding to my main display. My immediate concern is that I don't have adequate lighting for clams in my quarantine system.
suggest reading the forums at

I'm not aware of anyone dipping them in anything (with exception to fresh water if, and only if, sick)

always keep them under water - even while aclimating and introducing into tank
The things you worry about with clams are parasitic snails and flatworms, possibly nudi egg sacs as well. Pyramellid are small rice grain sized snails that are clam predators.

You should inspect the bottom and mantle areas of the snail very carefully and pull off anything white or that has a shell. Look for egg sacs as well, these will be white and sticky.

Flatworms are harder to see (less likely to be on them) but still something to look for.

You could put the clam in a container with tank water (once acclimated) and add flatworm exit to the water and let it sit for 20-30 mins then scrub the shell lightly to get anything off it that has died.