Chemistry problems - what is wrong?

Ok, gotcha.+1 to leaving the lights on longer in conditions where algae is saving a tank from an ammonia spike.  Not much algae growth in this case which I find a bit puzzling.
IMO, an Incandescent isn't going to promote much algae growth.  You can get a LED in the 5000K region for just a few dollars at Home Depot.  Incandescents put out mostly heat.
Water has cleared up completely, fish are all back to normal.ammonia is coming down (almost completely gone) nitrates are still up where they have always been (30-40)i got a 100w 5000k led running 24/7 in the fuge.we will see what happens but the crash seems to have been averted for the time being.
Great news!!Now is the time to do a MAJOR water change, at least 30-40%. What is happening now is you have a nitrite spike. After that you will have a nitrate spike. doing a W/C now will stop the majority of the nitrate spike. Wait for at least 4 days, then do another major change and you should be in business. remember to turn off your pumps when you feed, and feed no more than the fish can eat in 5 min. Good Luck and keep us informed of your progress. Just a side note....I leave my sump lights on all the time in both of my tanks. It promotes chato growth and that means less algea in my display.