Carpet Anemone and False Percs...

I have a mated pair of false percs and just bought a carpet for them to host in. It's been a couple days and they haven't gone near it. What gives?
Sometimes they're picky.

I remember reading a suggestion about getting one of those seaweed clips that are shaped like clownfish and placing it on a rock right next to the anemone. The clowns will think it's a friend and go hang out with it.

I haven't done this before, it's just something somebody else did :D
I don't think false percs host a carpet. Carpets have a much more potent sting than most other anemones. My friend has wild true percs with a carpet for oer 2 years now, they won't get close to it. He added a bubble a couple months back and they took to it in hours.
I don't know 1st hand, but I was told carpets were notorius fish eaters, and that most clowns wouldn't host to it.

My understanding of Perc's though, is that they are one of the few clowns that host to just about anything.

Let us know how it turns out.

yeah, false percs are hit or miss with just about any anemone. I have two in mine, and they won't go anywhere near the BTA, but the feather duster, that's another story, they love that thing! I even tried the vegi clip shaped like a clown, it's only been a day, but no luck yet. Carpets are very hard to keep from what I've heard and have been known to eat some clowns that try to host. I think that skunk clowns and true percs would be the best bet for a carpet.
We got our false percs to host our new BTA the same day. My husband took half a silverside and waved it in front of the hungry clowns, then stuck it down in the BTA's mouth. The clowns wanted it and went around the anemone but wouldn't touch it. As soon as one touched it, he liked it and now he won't leave.

He didn't even steal the fish. He must have forgotten.

that's a pretty good idea with the silverside. I've tried pieces of krill but the anemone got those too fast. If I ever do another anemone/clown pair, it won't be with false percs. They look really good, but they just don't get it sometimes.
My pair of false percs are hosting in a beautiful pink condylactis. They ignored it at first, but when it grew, they decided it looked pretty good and have been in it ever since. It took them 3 months to get there. My feeling is patience with the false percs and they will eventually figure it out.

that's what I said too, but here I am almost 6 months later and they just scoff at my BTA as they swim by. Congrats on getting the clowns to host a condy, that's pretty rare from what I hear.