Board rules - Distribution of the new board rules.

[Please read the new Board Rules. We appreciate everyone's cooperation as the board evolves. These are a result of the Board's recent meeting, and I believe it is probably a good indication of how hard the club officers are working to help the club evolve and grow and provide more and better services to its members. Have you gotten the idea yet that we *really* want you to *read the rules!* :p]
[The Vendors Forum has been established to allow local vendors the opportunity to reach out to club members and garner sales. Vendors can offer sales, provide pictures, and answer questions about their products (live or dry) in their own forum.

Vendors are allowed to visit in the club forums to participate in the various discussions, but not to sell or point people to their forum. That is not allowed.

Club members are welcome to seek out these forums for their purchasing needs. That is the area to discuss products, learn about any sales they have, and place requests for items from that vendor.

DFWMAS is a club for hobbyists:

* Strives to initiate public interest in the marine aquarium hobby.
* Educates hobbyists regarding the importance of the marine ecosystem.
* Increases knowledge in the husbandry of the closed marine aquarium system.
* Promotes captive propagation.

DFWMAS will not become a commercial enterprise, and continues to operate as a Non-Profit Organization.

Please think about your posts in all forums. If they are commercial in nature, they belong in the vendors forum. If you are seeking the advice of fellow reefers regarding a certain product, post it in the club forums.

Just keep in mind the distinction between the two. Moderators will help steer you if you are confused.
Happy posting.]