Aquacontroller jr Serial computer connector


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Is there a store locally that sells these or can you use one from say Fry's or a place like Altex???? Is it the standard pin out?
I think it's a null modem cable it need's or you can just get a null modem adapter to use with the serial cable.

My brother just bought one online, Im sure he will let you borrow it and I live in Wylie. Just pm. Me and we can work something out.

lance if you want to take a trip to denton this week i have all the connectors and wire, and i can solder one up and make it for you.
Can also get a connector from Tanner's that will work with it. I have the original and it only has TX, RX, GND, and CTS wired up but the CTS wire isn't used for anything. I have mine wired into an arduino controller so I can get info from and control the AC via a web interface. I had read that if you keep the serial hooked up all the time that the ph or orp readings MAY sometimes, in certain circumstances, with certain computers, get skewed.
Ben, Neptune makes a serial ground loop isolator, just for that purpose. I saw it recently on sale from marine depot or premium aquatics.
@Ashlar wrote:
Ben said:
Right, but it's fairly expensive for what it is and I'm not so sure it's needed. I've got a schematic to build my own if all else fails but hopefully I won't have the problems in my scenario.