Apex programming help


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Need help with Apex problem:
I have the following program set for my email alarm:

If Temp > 81.0 Then ON
If Temp < 75.5 Then ON
If Power EB8_4 Off 010 Then ON
If Power EB4_3 Off 010 Then ON
If Temp < 70.0 Then ON
If Outlet SkimOverflow = ON Then ON
If Outlet SumpHWater = ON Then ON
If Outlet WaterFloor = ON Then ON
If Outlet POff_Alm = ON Then ON
If Outlet Chill_Wrn = ON Then ON
If Outlet pH_Alarm = ON Then ON
If Outlet ATO_FailAlm = ON Then ON
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
If FeedB 000 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 000 Then OFF

I get at least a dozen emails every day telling me--- If Power EB8_4 Off 010 Then ON
My intention in the program was to notify me by email if The EB8 lost power for 10 minutes. It appears that the EB8 is not losing power while I observe it and the green light stays on. I also reset audible alarm by pusing button on display that I assume is for the same notification since it is in the program for the wn alarm and audible alarm. Any ideas of what may be wrong?
I would check the name of EB8_4 for starters, then call neptune support and have them telnet into your system and check for problems. Mine kept creating a ghost display module that I couldnt fix but neptune support had it fixed in about 15min
First go to the configuration tab and check the names of the energy bars make sure they are the same, the names are case sensitive.

Next I would make a temporary virtual outlet for the EB8 then add your code to check if it has power.

@Lance Lammons wrote:
I have several things working in the EB8 so I know it has power. said:
What your testing for is not that it has power your testing if the "test statement" shows you have power.

For example if the virtual switch shows that there is no power but there is power to the eb then you probably have an issue with the coding.
Post a picture of the bottom of the configuration/modules setup
