Anemone ok or no?!?

Found a few of these little guys this morning. They a clear with little whitish balls on their tips. Seem to succeed when light comes on.
I don't know if it is a majano for sure, but it surely looks like one.

Peppermints are known to eat aiptasia and not majano anemones. I think I read somewhere that you will have to inject joe's juice directly to the mouth using a syringe or better yet get rid of the rock if possible.
I wish I could have gotten a pic of it extended. Anyone have info on cup coral. That's what I looked like this morning. This rock is out of a 8 year running tank. I would think a majano would be more formed by now.
Looks like a very bleached Orange Ball Anemone. I wouldn't worry about that one.
Thanks Marc. I looked it up and it displays all the characteristics of the ball anemone. I am going to let them grow for now. Some people call them "fish eaters" but they will take a long time to get to that point. I will let them be a reef filter for now. Some people are keeping them in non photosythedic tanks with some success it seems.
I've had them in my reef for years, and they never get big enough to do damage to anything.