Acan 1024x768 of my favorite at the moment. Originated from Fraggle Reef. This piece was more orange but I see more green in the center now that I have it for a while.
Thanks Larry.

Yeah, I got busy with work and the tank has been negelected for a while. I am trying to get myself motivated with this hobby again. It is very time consuming.
Great picture. I was emailing a guy the other day that was interested in the hobby when he wasn't tending to his orchids. I gave him a link to your site, and he was well aware of yours. How cool is that?
Small world. But most of orchid growers I know also have various hobbies. If I'm not careful, my house could easily turn into a zoo. I have turtles, fish, and dog. I know that I'm also interested in birds and cats..but I tried very hard not to take on add'l responsibilities.
Birds and fish dont go together too well Peter! Stick to world class corals and world class orchids, in my unsolicited opinion. You do great at both.