Recent content by Ssindt

  1. S

    Bryopsis.... The battle/struggle is real!

    So after seeing many people post on other forums about getting bryopsis and struggling to stop it. I reached out to a friend also battling bryopsis to see if we can stop it. This was over a month ago. This is from the start till now of what we have done. I?wanted to try different actions to see...
  2. S

    Phytoplankton culture

    I've been culturing phytoplankton for a while now. Just recently I've started to lose cultures or so I think I've lost them. All my bottles have settled. The phyto is at the bottom of the bottles still green and my water is clear. I have a ton of air in the bottles to keep it stirred up but they...
  3. S

    Velvet question.

    Long story short wife rushed my tank and put fish in our tank. We had one fish with velvet passed the other two have been in the tank now for 2 months with no sign of velvet. We setup a qt tank for our fish, I think I know the answer I still need to get the other fish out of dt to qt correct...