Recent content by No_Floaters

  1. N

    Clown trouble

    Bought a 90g bow that came with livestock. Tank came with a marroon and a Clarkii. They had gotten along until about 3 weeks ago. The Clarkii was the small one at first and now is larger than the marroon. Unfortunatly the Clarkii has become very aggressive and it not playing nice anymore...
  2. N

    New endeavor

    [I've got aptasia in my 92-gal that I've tried to kill by injecting boiling water, lemon juice, Ms. Ball's, vinegar, etc. Some were killed, but most recovered. They are not taking over, but they are a nuisance to my other corals. Well, I'm going to try another option. Tomorrow I'm supposed to...
  3. N

    Ajustable powerhead mount

    [I found this on another forum. It's an adjustable powerhead mount. Maybe something you DIY guys may want to try.]