Zebra bit my finger

I use a pair of stainless steel forceps to feed. Occasionally he (or she?) will grab onto the forceps and pull hard enough to nearly pull them out of my hand.
So, I'm feeding yesterday and at one point the eel grabs the forceps and in the process topples a candycane colony.
I feed a few more pieces of krill and then he disappears behind the rock. I reach in the tank to replace the coral and just as I'm setting it in place, I suddenly have eel mouth around the end of my finger!! Talk about surprised :shock: ! I slung water on the wall across the room from the tank getting my hand out of there ASAP!!
Forunately, he apparently didn't like the taste of my finger and let go before biting down. I'm glad. I've seen his teeth marks in an old pair of plastic forceps and know he can bite quite hard.
Definitely need to keep an eye on while hands are in the tank.
@bimmerzs wrote:
Man I would love to see a video of that..... :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers said:
It would have made a good one for Americas Funniest I'm sure. I would just like to have a still of the look on my face. :lol:
Hahahahaaaaaa!!! We used to feed our zebra by hand and he we get my finger every once in a while, same thing, not hard, but I would nearly destroy my light everytime...makes ya move quick! Lol, ah good times!!!
I yoused to have a good sized snowflake and i would forget he was in theyer and he would get ahold of me. And i could never move so fast.